To the development of a mathematical model of a road train with a category O1 trailer in the transverse plane

  • Volodymyr SAKHNO Doctor of Science in Engineering, Professor, Head of Automobiles Department, National Transport University
  • Svitlana SHARAI PhD. in Engineering, Associate Professor, Professor, Department of International Transport and Customs Control, National Transport University
  • Igor MUROVANYI PhD. in Engineering, Assoc. Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering, Lutsk National Technical University
  • Irina CHOVCHA graduate student of the Department of Automobiles, National Transport University


Stability and handling are the most important indicators of quality among the performance properties of vehicles stored in all modes. The choice of design parameters of vehicles that provide these properties increases the active safety of operation and reduces the likelihood of accidents in transport operations. Stability and controllability of vehicles together must ensure the driver's confidence in the implementation of the specified driving mode, eliminate the involuntary occurrence of dangerous deviations from the mode and maintain the possibility of rapid adjustment with subsequent stabilization.

The curvilinear or close to it mode of movement is the main among possible in work of the M1 category road trains. Today, the current intensive flows of vehicles stored traffic on public roads with their constant forced "permutations" cause the problem of the possibility of rapid adjustment of the straight course after moving to the adjacent lane and ensuring stability at the same time.

In the study of the stability of the road train consider a plane-parallel motion of its links. It is believed that the normal reactions of the support surface on the wheels of the starboard and port sides are the same. However, with a high location of the center of mass of the trailer, a significant change in the reactions of the support surface on its wheels is possible. Therefore, the movement of the road train was considered both in the horizontal and in the longitudinal vertical and transverse planes.

As a result of the conducted researches the equations system of plane-parallel motion of a road train with uniaxial trailer of category O1 is improved, lateral reactions on wheels of the car and the trailer at a body roll, wheel angles of the car and the trailer are defined.

Key words: road train, course stability, controllability, plane-parallel motion, mathematical model, speed of movement, transverse plane.

How to Cite
SAKHNO, V., SHARAI, S., MUROVANYI, I., & CHOVCHA, I. (2021). To the development of a mathematical model of a road train with a category O1 trailer in the transverse plane. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 2(17), 151-160.