Advances in technology for calculating operational work indicators using an automated system

  • Hanna KYRYCHENKO Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of Transport Technologies and Transportation Processes Operation, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies
  • Yuliia BERDNYCHENKO Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of Transport Technologies and Transportation Processes Operation, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies
  • Oleh STRELKO Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Transport Technologies and Transportation Processes Operation, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies


In the context of the transport market development, the key issues for the railway transportation system are: timely provision of wagons of the appropriate type to all consignors in accordance with their orders; further consolidation of railway transport in the transportation market through the marketing development, the creation of a balanced tariff policy; improving the organizational structures of railway transport management, the technology of the transportation process and the organization of transportation work on the basis of the widespread introduction of automated control systems. The purpose of the article is to study the possibility of increasing the efficiency of using the wagons fleet, related to this the goods delivery time compliance, based on a new methodology and calculation principle. One of the main aggregated factors of the railway operation is the wagon turnover which reflects the time of the wagon’s full cycle operation. Now the turnover of wagon is increasing, for the railway this means non-compliance with the established norms, for the services recipients - the railway customers - this means delays in the delivery of goods, violation of financial obligations to other participants in the transportation process. Information technologies on the railway provide for the possibility of monitoring the fulfillment of the standard for the wagons turnover and the observance of the cargo delivery time with further improvement of the methods and techniques for determining the operational work indicators. An increase in the efficiency of using the fleet of wagons, related to this the delivery time compliance, due to the new methodology and principle of calculating and forecasting the main performance indicators, has been investigated. Possibilities to deviate from the conventional definition of the wagons turnover by formulas, which use the balance method, and to apply modern statistical methods to determine the turnover of wagons as a characteristic of certain transportation have been analyzed. This will allow to set real standards for the wagons turnover and the terms of goods delivery, which will ensure compliance with the technological processes of the operational work of the railway when servicing customers.

Key words: information technologies, delivery terms, wagons turnover, technological process, railway.

How to Cite
KYRYCHENKO, H., BERDNYCHENKO, Y., & STRELKO, O. (2021). Advances in technology for calculating operational work indicators using an automated system. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 2(17), 81-88.