Research of coordinated management of transport flows in the central part of the city


Problems related to the deterioration of the functioning of the road network significantly affect the operation of the entire transport complex of the city. Traffic delays, congestion, characterized by increased travel time, deterioration of transport services, increased pollution of the urban environment due to increased emissions and noise, an increase in the number of accidents indicate a mismatch of traffic capacity on the road network of cities to the modern level of motorization. The greatest difficulties with the rational organization of traffic arise at intersections, as they are "bottlenecks" in the road network in terms of efficient and safe maintenance of traffic and pedestrian flows. To control traffic at intersections, traffic lights are most often used, which can increase road safety, reduce delays, reduce energy consumption and negatively affect the environment, which in turn has a significant impact on the quality of life in cities.

When creating conditions for optimizing the operation of regulated intersections, it is necessary to take into account the technical condition of vehicles, the condition of the road surface and technical means of traffic regulation. Reducing travel time, minimizing financial and material costs, ensuring the safety of cars and pedestrians, comfort and convenience when traveling are the main requirements for the functioning of the road network and transport infrastructure. In many cases, the intensity of traffic exceeds the capacity of the street and road network, so it is important to increase the efficiency of its operation with the lowest capital costs.

The paper considers the results of the study of the impact of coordinated traffic management in the central part of the city of Rivne on the reduction of traffic delays when passing intersections by vehicles and offers technical solutions to improve road safety by equipping intersections with additional technical means of traffic control.

Key words: traffic intensity, traffic flow composition, coordinated control, saturation flow, adjustable intersection, traffic light control cycle.

How to Cite
KRYSTOPCHUK, M., KHITROV, I., TSON, O., & POCHUZHEVSKIY, O. (2021). Research of coordinated management of transport flows in the central part of the city. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 1(16), 82-90.