To choose the type of engine when modernizing BTR-70

  • Volodymyr SAKHNO Doctor of Science in Engineering, Professor, Head of Automobiles Department, National Transport University
  • Dmytro JACHENKO PhD. in Engineering, Assoc. Professor, Assoc. Professor of Automobiles Department, National Transport University
  • Oleksandr DYKICH magistr of transport, postgradiate student of Automobiles Department, National Transport University
  • Valery STELMASHCHUK Ph.D in Engeneering, associate professor of automobiles and transport technologies department, Lutsk National Technical University
  • Vasyl ONYSHCHUK PhD in Engineering, associate professor of Automobiles and Transport Technologies department, Lutsk National Technical University


The paper considers options for retrofitting BTR-70 by installing on the chassis of this car instead of two engines ZMZ-4905 two engines General Motors with a capacity of 103 kW, or two IVECO Tector P4 with a capacity of 110.4 kW, or two engines D245.30E2 with a capacity of 115 kW, or two engines of different power - the power of the main engine DEUTZ TCD 2013 L4 4V 161 kW and the power of the additional engine DEUTZ D 914L3 43 kW.

The comparative analysis is based on the main indicators of traction-velocity properties, obtained by solving the differential equation of motion, the initial data for which are the mass and geometric parameters of the car and operating conditions. The choice of the best variant is made on the basis of comparison of each indicator of traction-speed properties with the standard as which the best indicator from all possible variants is accepted. According to the results of calculations, it is established that the best indicators of traction and speed properties are achieved when installing two engines D245.30E2 on the BTR-70.

However, such conversion can not be considered appropriate, because the traction and speed properties of the car are determined not only by engine power, but also the gear ratio. Regular transmission BTR-70 with gasoline engines is not compatible when equipped with diesels. Therefore, to obtain the necessary indicators of traction and speed properties of the BTR-70 requires not its re-equipment, but modernization, ie replacement of the engine-transmission system. Further research will be devoted to the choice of BTR-70 transmission gear ratios when it is equipped with D245.30E2 diesels.

How to Cite
SAKHNO, V., JACHENKO, D., DYKICH, O., STELMASHCHUK, V., & ONYSHCHUK, V. (2020). To choose the type of engine when modernizing BTR-70. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 2(15), 134-146.