Multicriterion optimization will cut out flags for individual furniture production


This work is sanctified to development of effective algorithms for the decision of multicriterion optimization tasks will cut out flags on enterprises from making of furnitures after an individual order.

Known far of the specialized programs will cut out, that are actively used on a furniture production. Practically all of them, in one or another measure, are the compatible programs of creation of maps will cut out, that combine in itself the optimality of location of contours of details in the set sizes of feedstock with necessary speed of calculations. In basis of work of these most programs approach is fixed from the use of certain mathematical algorithms that allow effectively to conduct cutting out with the least of wastes.

However, going out features exactly of single furniture production, it follows to admit such automated approach an optimal variant to forming of maps will cut out materials, that would allow to the producer to take into account most criteria of optimization of placing of elements, flexibly  to manage priorities of importance of their account, to form optimal maps according to technological possibilities of equipment that works on this production (parameters are a dust, degree of freedom and turning of tables, presence of the special adaptations for fixing of folias and т. and.). Account of the above-mentioned productive functions none of the enumerated programs not able to provide.

In-process, on the basis of analysis of the standard stages and possibilities of the programs of computer calculation rational will cut out materials, methodology and algorithms of decision of tasks of multicriterion optimization are offered will cut out letters of flags on the elements of different geometrical form for the production of furnitures of individual order. The features of raising and criteria are certain tasks of multicriterion optimization, that allow quickly and effectively to analyse quality of the maps got on the first stage will cut out, to correct meaningfulness and priority each of the chosen criteria of optimization. The algorithm of search of initial base decision of task of the linear programming, that substantially shortened the amount of iterations in a calculation chart and simplified procedure of calculation is improved. Computer realization of the worked out algorithms is conducted. Efficiency of the offered methodology and algorithms is tested for the production of goods on an enterprise from making of furnitures after an individual order.

How to Cite
PUSTIULHA, S., PUTS, V., & KLAK, Y. (2020). Multicriterion optimization will cut out flags for individual furniture production. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 2(15), 106-117.