Features of the development of the market of cargo and passenger transportation

  • Mykola MAIAK Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Automobiles and Transport Technologies, Lutsk National Technical University
  • Pavlo PROHNII Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer of Specialized Computer Systems department, West Ukrainian National University
  • Anatolyj MATVIYISHYN Doctor of Philosophy, Аssociate Professor, Аssociate Professor of Automobiles department, Ternopil National Technical University Ivan Pul'uj
  • Pavlo POPOVYCH Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Professor of Specialized Computer Systems department, West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5516-852X
  • Oksana SHEVCHUK Doctor of Philosophy, Аssociate Professor, Аssociate Professor of Specialized Computer Systems department, West Ukrainian National University https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8283-4620
  • Viktor OSTROVERKHOV Doctor of Philosophy, Аssociate Professor, Аssociate Professor of Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel, West Ukrainian National University http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3818-0604
  • Andriy KOTSUR Doctor of Philosophy, Аssociate Professor, Аssociate Professor of Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel, West Ukrainian National University http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6986-4665
  • Olga ROMANYSHYN Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer of Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel, West Ukrainian National University


The analysis of the basic tendencies of development of the market of freight and passenger transportations is carried out, the basic factors influencing development of the transport enterprises are investigated. A review of economic activity in the transport sector of the country. The main dependences, dynamics and structural features of the market of passenger and freight transportation, as well as trends in the market of transport logistics, including passenger and freight flows by mode of transport, are studied. It is established that the main customers are enterprises of road and construction industries, as well as agricultural enterprises, mainly producers of crop products in the agricultural sector, which in the complex provided an increase in freight transportation by road and rail. Over the last five years, the share of road transport in the country's transport system is projected to continue to grow based on the positive trend of increasing demand for freight for these industries, so there will be a long dynamic development of Ukraine's transport industry as a whole. The market of logistics services and the consumer market have related directions of development, it is established that they are balanced, in general, the market of road and rail transport has a stable upward trend with a possible slowdown. The results of the study can be used as a basis for modeling the main trends of the freight market, as well as passengers, based on the results of the study of factors influencing the development of transport enterprises of the country, which will qualitatively influence the improvement or updating of planning tools , transportation companies.

How to Cite
MAIAK, M., PROHNII, P., MATVIYISHYN, A., POPOVYCH, P., SHEVCHUK, O., OSTROVERKHOV, V., KOTSUR, A., & ROMANYSHYN, O. (2020). Features of the development of the market of cargo and passenger transportation. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 2(15), 64-71. https://doi.org/10.36910/automash.v2i15.393