The methodical approach improvement to the designing of rational routes for freight transit by automobile trasportation

  • Yana LITVINOVA Candidate of Technical Science, associate professor of Transport Management Department, Dnipro University of Technology
  • Vladyslav BILONOG student of the Department of Transport Management, Dnipro University of Technology


The research is devoted to the search of new approaches to improve the efficiency of freight transportation based on the analysis of methods and algorithms for rational routing schemes designing. Methods of comparison and generalization were used to determine the peculiarities of the simplification of finding rational routes of cargo transportation process, as well as its improvement, synthesis - by combining the method and algorithm of solving transport problems with each element role exposure in the system.

Theoretical and methodological principles of leading scientists in the field of transport as for solving existing problems in the goods delivery to customers are analyzed. It is noted that a number of problems in the rational route schemes designing are associated with imperfect and time-consuming methods of transport problems solving. Analysis of the peculiarities of freight transportation as the most complex process in the road transport use, allowed expanding the list, noting a feature that reflects the use of inefficient and irrational routing schemes in the goods transportation. As a result of research it is established that under modern conditions of managing it is difficult enough to provide task performance to an ordinary manager providing designing of rational routes. This determines the feasibility of using two-phase optimization in solving transport problems, namely, combinations in the joining the “Sweep algorithm” and the algorithm for solving the problem of salesman when using MS Excel. The example of the specified combination usage of the conditional motor transport enterprise of Kryvyi Rig is examined. The characteristics of freight traffic routes are designed and determined.

How to Cite
LITVINOVA, Y., & BILONOG, V. (2020). The methodical approach improvement to the designing of rational routes for freight transit by automobile trasportation. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 2(15), 54-63.