Study of the microclimate of large vehicles

  • Yurii VOICHYSHYN student, Department of Automotive Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Taras KRUTS , assistant of the automotivе engeneering department, Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Roman ZINKO PhD in engeneering, Department of Automotive Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Orest HORBAI Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Automotive Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic National University


The analysis of existing scientific researches of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of research of microclimate of vehicles is carried out in the work. The state of research is analyzed and what issues of this direction of scientific research need to be investigated.

The structure and main functions performed by microclimate systems in the cabins of buses, cars and agricultural tractors are considered. One of the factors that determine the well-being of passengers is the microclimate in the interior of the vehicle. The parameters that characterize it include temperature, humidity, air mobility and the presence of harmful substances. The methods of calculation and design of heating and ventilation systems used today are based on integrated methods that allow to determine only the average flow parameters.

The main role in the design of such systems is given to experimental research, road and climate testing, which is costly. Therefore, it is important to determine the basic parameters of the microclimate at the stage of design or improvement of the sample and they would be based on new technologies for designing these systems using computer-aided design systems, and field tests would be final and low cost. In the course of research of the offered subjects the simulation 3D - model of air streams in salon of the large-sized bus was created. With the help of created 3D - models you can visually see the movement of air flows in the cabin of the bus when it moves or when stopped. Modern computer technology allows you to assess the state of the thermal state inside the vehicle in the warm or cold season. Therefore, studies of this kind can serve as a further basis for a broader study, analysis of problems and the provision of recommendations for addressing microclimate problems.

Key words: microclimate of the passenger compartment, heating system, interior ventilation, interior air conditioning, air flows, turbulence zone, turbulent flows, heating source, temperature fields.

How to Cite
VOICHYSHYN, Y., KRUTS, T., ZINKO, R., & HORBAI, O. (2020). Study of the microclimate of large vehicles. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 1(14), 49-57.