To the analysis of aspects of the interaction of a number of significant events and factors on the functioning of the "tyre - road" system

  • Volodymyr MAKAROV Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Automobiles and Transport Management, Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Andriy SVIRGUN postgraduate student of the Department of Automobile and Transport Management, Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Dmytro BORYSYUK candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Automobiles and Transport Management, Vinnytsia National Technical University


The necessity of the operation of billions of wheeled vehicles for the existence of the planetary system has been determined. The presence of contradictions between the movement of a complex of intensive traffic flows of cars on the roads with their infrastructure on the one hand and atmospheric space on the other hand: the biosphere, primeval nature, climate, etc., which are unable to develop freely, is highlighted. Harmful emissions from cars and transport infrastructure hinder the progress of this environment. The need to solve the given problem to the minimum possible level of danger is emphasized.

A number of global events and significant factors are presented, which are closely related to the functioning of such an important motor vehicle and road system as the "Tyre-Road". Among the events, the following aggregate is singled out:

- the presence of a significant probability of a change in the planet's climate;

- relevance of using renewable energy;

- the possibility of progress on highways with the development of the intensity of transportation while reducing the accident rate.

The aim and objectives of the research were formed. The purpose of the study is to create conditions for obtaining a rational level of negative emissions into the environment from the "Tyre - Road" system. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to complete the following tasks:

- to determine the level of possibility of future intelligent elastic engines to significantly influence the reduction of harmful emissions from billions of road contacts of ER into the environment, which is the idea of famous tire manufacturers (aspect for the progress of the economy and society with the free development of the primary nature of the planet);

- carry out an assessment of the importance of the influence of the tire "country of manufacture" factor on the intensity of wear of their tread on the example of highways of the Vinnytsia region (aspect for solving the local problem of current practice).

It is shown that consideration of the process of road surface wear is important, because the standards for the load on the axle of the vehicle are established by the Rules of the UN European Economic Commission, taking into account the critical wear of the road surface. It has been determined that harmful emissions from the DH system during the movement of motor vehicles with electric motors can be significant and are subject to further investigation.

Key words: wheeled vehicle, tire, road, system, wear, harmful emissions into the environment, significant events and factors, aspects of mutual influence

How to Cite
MAKAROV , V., SVIRGUN , A., & BORYSYUK , D. (2024). To the analysis of aspects of the interaction of a number of significant events and factors on the functioning of the "tyre - road" system. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 2(23), 159-168.