Planning Of City Transport Infrastructure Taking Into Account Socio-Economic And Demographic Settlement Indicators

  • Volodymyr FALOVYCH Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Industrial Marketing, Ternopil National Technical University named after Ivan Pulyu
  • Oksana SHEVCHUK PhD of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Transport and Logistics, West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine
  • Nataliia FALOVYCH PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Transport and Logistics, Western Ukrainian National University
  • Nataliya NAVOLSKA , PhD of Economics, Associate Professor, Merito University, Wroclaw, Poland
  • Vasyl ZAKHARCHUK graduate student of the Department of Transport and Logistics, West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine


The general state of the transport sector in the Ternopil urban territorial community shows that the basis of passenger transportation is electric and road transport. In accordance with the changing needs of passenger traffic over time, based on the results of the conducted research, a new network of public transport routes was approved and implemented, developed on the basis of the conducted surveys, taking into account the needs of the community residents as much as possible. All villages of the community are also provided with transport connections. However, the addition of other settlements requires additional development of new routes and additional transport units.

The practice of organizing passenger transport shows that the transport behavior of city dwellers primarily depends on the ratio of the location of their housing to the objects of attraction. In this regard, when improving the functioning of the city's route network, a necessary condition is the study of patterns of population settlement in the formed transport areas.

The priority of the transport policy of the community is the development of high-quality and comfortable transportation of passengers, primarily environmentally friendly electric transport.

An indicator of the social efficiency of the functioning of urban passenger transport should be the safety of transportation and the quality of services based on the clear interaction of different types of transport.

It is necessary to note the planned prioritization of electric transport means and the gradual transition to the creation of a single transport company that will ensure the comfort, environmental and transport safety of the residents of the Ternopil urban territorial community.

Keywords: passenger transportation, passenger flows, transport spheres, transport areas, sustainable development, route.

How to Cite
FALOVYCH, V., SHEVCHUK, O., FALOVYCH, N., NAVOLSKA, N., & ZAKHARCHUK, V. (2024). Planning Of City Transport Infrastructure Taking Into Account Socio-Economic And Demographic Settlement Indicators. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 1(22), 320-329.