Improvement of the logistics strategy of the enterprise in the market of transport services


The key task of the logistics strategy is to determine the indicators, both quantitative and qualitative, that are necessary to achieve the strategic goals of the company in the field of logistics of warehousing, distribution, inventory management, transportation, etc., taking into account the optimization of costs in all areas of the logistics chain.

The use of logistics tools and methods, the correct choice of the type of logistics strategy contribute to the optimization of product distribution processes, as well as to the minimization of costs associated with the movement of product, service, financial and information flows.

When developing a logistics strategy, companies should approach from the point of view of which sales market will be developed. The most effective logistics strategy for distribution in regional markets and markets of large and medium-sized cities is the combination of physical distribution of goods to the wholesale and intermediary network with parallel implementation of retail sales.

Structuring and analysis of the main problems and tasks of strategic planning of logistics activities of a transport enterprise allows you to act more purposefully and concentrate managerial, organizational and other resources, optimizing your costs and the time frame for achieving your goals.

We studied theoretical issues in the field of logistics strategy development. The essence and main types of logistics strategies were defined. The assessment of the existing model of activity at the enterprise was given and the most problematic area was identified. Thus, a separate business process was taken, which begins at the level of telephone negotiations and conclusion of the contract and ends with the download. As a result of the assessment, it was found that this business process is really not optimized and carries large time costs.

Thus, research was carried out in one of the main areas of logistics, theoretical issues were studied, an analysis of the transport company's activities was carried out, and information was provided regarding the improvement of the business process model.

Keywords: logistics strategy, business process reengineering, strategic solutions, logistics technologies, priority matrix

How to Cite
SAMOSTIAN, V., PAVLOVA, I., & PRYDIUK, V. (2024). Improvement of the logistics strategy of the enterprise in the market of transport services. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 1(22), 285-295.