Transport efficiency, project analysis and potential of transport enterprises

  • Svitlana KOZAK Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the departament of transport technologies and technical servise National University of Water Management and Nature Management


The article discusses the main methodical approaches to evaluating the efficiency of using the potential of transport enterprises thanks to the project analysis. evaluation of the effectiveness of project solutions, stages of potential formation, ensuring efficiency involves solving the following tasks: determining the sufficient value of all potential components, harmonizing their structure. The key component of the balanced formation of the potential of a transport enterprise is the provision of a sufficient amount and optimization of the reserve of transport capabilities.

Increasing the efficiency of using the potential of transport enterprises thanks to the conducted design analysis helps to reduce the amount of their total costs, increase profitability, ensures stable and balanced development. And it also helps to evaluate the effectiveness of project solutions and calculate the social indicators of the project, to improve the functioning of the transport network. At the stage of potential formation, ensuring efficiency involves solving the following tasks: determining the sufficient value of all components of the potential, harmonizing their structure. The key component of the balanced formation of the potential of a transport enterprise is the provision of a sufficient amount and optimization of the reserve of transport capabilities. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the changes in the total time of movement of vehicles on the network, calculate the change in transport and operating costs and the change in the total mileage of vehicles on the network. Optimizing the reserve of transportation opportunities is based on forecasting the amount of demand for transportation with a high level of reliability and efficiency. It is proposed to determine the forecast value of demand for transportation taking into account the appropriate system of factors influencing the volume of transportation using the technology of non-uniform rational be-splines (nurbs technology).

Key words: efficiency, enterprise potential, project analysis, productivity, cost, transport process, inventory management, time, investment, innovation, commercial activity.

How to Cite
KOZAK, S. (2024). Transport efficiency, project analysis and potential of transport enterprises. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 1(22), 194-198.