Features of the drive whell movement

  • Elman SAFAROV PhD in Engeneering, Associate Professor of the Department of Road Transport and Social Security, Engineering and Technology Institute of the Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine"


It is important to study nodes and mechanisms of power interaction’s processes for the development of the modern transport sector. The automotive industry is a significant part of modern transport. The car's movement parameters largely depend on the interaction of powers arising at the point of contact of the leading wheels with the road. Automobile wheels work in complex elastic-stress and deformation conditions. Therefore, it is of particular interest to study the processes of interaction between the driving wheel and the road’s zone.          Physico-mechanical characteristics of the tire material, friction power, methods of forming and transmitting engine power to the driving wheels, the relationship between traction force and power, rolling resistance - these and other factors that affect the efficiency and traction characteristics of road transport pose difficult to solve tasks to developers.

The article considers some force aspects of the interaction of the driving wheel of vehicles with the road at the beginning of movement. Factors affecting the translational movement of the wheel have been identified. There was an attempt to describe in an accessible form the force picture that occurs in the "wheel-road" interaction. Experiments that have been conducted bring some clarity to the understanding of the essence of what is happening. The mechanism of formation of the leading moment of the wheel and the crawler drive is described. At the same time, the wheel is considered in two load conditions:

 - as a component part of the vehicle (the load source is strictly connected to the moving structure).

 - as an independent object of research (torque is transmitted by an independent of the car engine source).

Key words: torque, driving moment, driving wheel, tire, transport, moment of inertia, frictional power, crawler drive, rolling resistance.

How to Cite
SAFAROV, E. (2023). Features of the drive whell movement. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 1(20), 219-226. https://doi.org/10.36910/automash.v1i20.1051