Determination of the regularities of the flow of single orders in the intercity communication in supply chain management


Based on experimental studies of the demand for freight transportation, the paper establishes regularities of the flow of one-time orders in intercity domestic traffic in the management of supply chains. Given the random nature of one-off orders, the process of servicing them is somewhat complex. After all, this factor requires carriers to constantly search for such orders and respond quickly to their appearance. In addition, the carrier must choose the right strategy for itself, namely, to use pre-developed and well-grounded management decisions or to rely solely on its own experience. Therefore, the established regularities of the flow of one-off orders allow road transport companies to formulate and build a model for determining the probability of receiving orders for the carriage of goods by the carrier from the initial flow of orders.

To obtain information about the flow of one-time orders in the freight market, the sources of information are identified. As a result of experimental studies, data arrays of one-time orders of intercity freight transportation in the domestic traffic have been formed. The demand for intercity transportation for a certain period was calculated in accordance with the directions of cargo transportation. In accordance with the experimental data, rational strategies for carriers have been obtained, which provide an opportunity for making managerial decisions for operational management in the market of intercity domestic freight transportation.

Keywords: flow of one-time orders, process of long-distance cargo transportation, logistics website, simplest flow, regularity, strategy

How to Cite
KOCHINAА. (2023). Determination of the regularities of the flow of single orders in the intercity communication in supply chain management. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORT, 1(20), 150-158.